Philip Hayward: Environmental Humanities Research
This website contains a bibliography of my research publications on coastal, aquatic, island and riverine topics (with accompanying links), details of current projects that I am involved in and details of major external competitive research grants that I have received.
I am editor of Shima, an Environmental Humanities research journal specialising in island, marine and riverine themes <>, an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia and a strategic advisor for the River Cities Network <>. I have been involved in developing the notion of the aquapelago, a concept that emphasises the integration of (some) island and coastal societies with marine environments, resources, histories and imaginations. Initial articles on this topic and responses by other researchers are available online in an anthology section of the journal Shima and a book on the topic I have completed for Routledge in collaboration with May Joseph (Pratt Institute, Brooklyn) is scheduled for publication in late 2024. I am also presently editing an anthology entitled Blue-Green Rehabilitation: Urban Planning, Leisure and Tourism in River Cities, scheduled for publication by CABI in early 2025. I have ongoing projects with waterways researchers in the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions of northeastern Italy and was a visiting researcher at Udine University in May-June 2024.
I am co-coordinating the 'Islands and Island Studies 2025' conference in Jersey in June 2025, in collaboration with Sean Dettman from the Jersey International Centre for Advanced Studies <>
Please feel free to contact me with any queries on the research detailed here: [email protected]
Last updated: August 11 2024.
Refereed Journal Articles:
80. 'An Avian-Aquapelagic Heritage at “The edge of the world”: Reflections on humans and seabirds on St Kilda and the arrival of HPAIV', Lagoonscapes v4 n1 (2024).
79. 'Resurrecting riverine identity: Civic symbolism, ghostly traces and waterway restoration in 21st century Lodz (Poland)', Anthropocenes v5 n1 pp.1-16 (2024) (co-authored with Tomasz Fiziak and Christian Fleury).
78. 'Donald Trump's aspiration to acquire Greenland: Understanding "issue attention" cycles in news coverage', Small States and Territories v7 n1 pp. 107-122 (2024) (co-authored with Juno Berthelsen).
77. 'The mermaid, the wheat ear and idealised otherness: The transformation of an aquapelagic symbol into a Japanese bakery logo', The Okinawan Journal of Island Studies (2024) (co-authored with Felicity Greenland).
76. 'Beyond quintessential Englishness: Wet Leg's idiosyncratic rendition of the Isle of Wight'. Shima v18 n1 pp. (109-131 (2024) (co-authored with Matt Hill).
75. 'St. Michael’s Mount: From Christian folklore to New Age mythologies', Folk, Knowledge & Place 1 (2024)
74. 'De-islandisation: The peninsularisation of former island sites in Sydney Harbour (1818-2023). Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v12 n2 pp. 17-36 (2023)
73. 'From bayou heritage to blue-green corridors: The development and contemporary urban functions of New Orleans’ Bayou St. John and Lafitte Greenway', Shima v17 n2, pp. 63-92 (2023) (co-authored with Faisal Mallum and Christian Fleury)
72. 'Ballina's Big Prawn: local fishing heritage and place branding', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v12 n1 pp. 68-79 (2023)
71. '"Extraordinarily hazardous": Fog, water, ice and human precarity in the aquapelagic assemblage of the Grand Banks (northwest Atlantic)'. Coolabah n34 pp. 7-24 (2023)
70. 'Zmiinyi Ostrov (Snake Island): wartime media coverage and the Ukrainian-Russian conflict', The Okinawan Journal of Island Studies v4 n1 pp1-17 (2023) (co-authored with Christine Kearney)
69. 'St Ives Island: The persistent mischaracterisation of a Cornish headland', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v11 n2 pp53-63 (2023)
'68. Cyber micro nations and digital sovereignty', Digital Society n2 art. 44 (2023) (co-authored with Harry Hobbs & Robert Motum)
67. 'Harry Styles as a Cecaelia: Sexuality, Representation and Media-lore in “Music for a Sushi Restaurant”, Text Matters v13 pp. 442-461 (2023) (co-authored with Liz Giuffre)
66. 'Firing up the Anthropocene: Conflagration, representation and temporality in modern Australia', Text Matters n12 pp 143-156 (2022)
65. 'Temporality, development and decay in the Whitsundays (Queensland, Australia)'. Narodna Umjetnost: The Croatian Journal of Ethnology and Folklore v59 n2 pp 85-102 (2022)
64. 'Multiple Avalons: place naming practices and a mythical Arthurian island', Island Studies Journal v17 n2 pp 126-142 (2022)
63. 'Tintagel Island as a rhetorical construct, disputed heritage asset and bridged peninsula', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v11 n1 pp 215-225 (2022)
62. 'Apex liminality: comprehending Lord Howe Island's cloud forest and related island eco-systems', Anthropocenes v3 n1 pp 5: 1-13 (2022)
61, 'Vague and unworkable: the fuzziness of the archipelago as a concept and its unsuitability as a model for a 21st century Palestinian nation', Island Studies Journal v17 n1 pp 202-220 (2022) (co-authored with Saba Bebawi and Christian Fleury)
60. 'Small town secession: Representations of micro-statehood in the US TV series Republic of Sarah', Small States and Territories v5 n1 pp215-224 (2022)
59. 'Taking the trouble: An engagement with Jonathan Pugh and David Chandler’s Anthropocene Islands: Entangled Worlds', Okinawan Journal of Island Studies n3 pp213-221 (2022)
58. 'Entangled in the mangroves: negotiating Anthropocene heritage in the terrestrial/marine interzone of an iconic harbour city', Anthropocenes 2: 1-10 (2021)
57. 'Riverine complexity: Islandness, socio-spatial perceptions and modification: a case study of the lower Richmond River (Eastern Australia)', Island Studies Journal v16 n2 pp156-177 (2021) (co-authored with Christian Fleury)
56. 'Mer-hagography: the erasure, return and resonance of Splash's older mermaid', Text Matters n11 pp139-156 (2021)
55. 'Residual islandness and sovereign dreams: The metamorphosis of Madeira’s Ilhéu do Diego into Forte de São José, and the short-lived Principado do Ilhéu da Pontinha', Transformations n35 pp40-51 (2021) (co-authored with Vincent Bicudo di Castro)
54. 'Above and below: the distribution of mermaid, siren and sirene places names across Canada and the creation of mermaid themed aquatic tourism locations', Shima v15 n2 pp221-234 (2021)
53. 'Shipped Ashore: the origins and deployment of mermaid place names in Australia and related visual representations', Shima v15 n2 pp239-256 (2021) (co-authored with Christian Fleury)
52. '“A place of inexhaustible mysteries”: The modern legendry of Skull Island in the King Kong films and related media texts', Coolabah n31 (2021)
51. 'Insular peninsularities: geography, demography and local identity in Sydney's Northern Beaches and Sutherland Shire', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v10 n1 pp77-99 (2021) (co-authored with Belinda Middleweek and Christian Fleury)
50. 'Australia's oddest jurisdiction: the continuous anomaly of Jervis Bay Territory', Small States and Territories Journal v4 n1 pp 157-170 (2021)
49. 'Domini da Mar: Manifestations of the aquapelagic imaginary in Venetian symbolism and folklore', Shima v16 n1 pp18-45 (2021)
'\48. 'Charismatic crustaceans, environmental disruption and problematic tourism – Experiencing and reflecting on the Anthropocene on Christmas Island', Island Studies Journal (forthcoming 2021)
47. 'Changing inland waterbody livelihoods in Issy-Kul, Kyrgyzstan', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v9n1 pp20-36 (2020) (co-authored with Michael Fabyini, Ian Phil Canlas and Samat Kalmuratov)
46. 'Ningen: The generation of media-lore concerning a giant, sub:Antarctic, aquatic humanoid and its relation to Japanese whaling activity', Shima v14n1 pp134-151 (2020) (co-authored with Felicity Greenland)
45. 'Bounded by Heritage and the Tamar: Cornwall as "almost an island"', Island Studies Journal v15 n1 pp 223-236 (2020)
'44. Elaborating the aquapelagic imaginary: Catalina Island, tourism and mermaid iconography', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v8 n2 pp 89-102 (2020)
43. 'Place, Visibility and Perception: The materiality of Es Vedrà and its enfolding within New Age discourse and media-lore', Coolabah n27 pp31-51 (2019) (co-authored with Marcel A. Farinelli)
42. 'Under the Mermaid Flag: Achzivland and the performance of micronationality on ancestral Palestinian land’, Coolabah n27 pp72-89 (2019)
41. 'Oecusse and the Sultanate of Occussi-Ambeno: Pranksterism, misrepresentation and micronationality', Small States and Territories v2n2 pp183-194 (2019)
40. ‘Sanctuary islands in a hostile matrix: the perception, representation, and protection of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Gulf of Mexico’, Island Studies Journal v13 n1 (2019) pp1-14 <>
39. 'Vertical Features in Flux: Elevation, Interiority and the Anthropocene Disruption of South East Louisiana's Five Salt Dome Islands', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v7 n1 pp37-45 (2018) (co-authored with Alahna Moore) <>
38. 'Introduction: Mermaids, Mercultures and The Aquapelagic Imaginary', Shima v12 n2 pp1-11 (2018) <>
37. 'I's the Merb'y: Masculinity, Mermen and Contemporary Newfoundland', Shima v12 n2 (co-authored with Cory Thorne) pp208-230 (2018)
36. 'Merlionicity Part II: Familiarity Breeds Affection,' Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v6 n2pp78-88 (2018) <>
35. 'Salt Marsh Synthesis: local politics, local identity perception and autonomy initiatives on Canvey Island (Essex, UK)', Island Studies Journal v13 n1 pp223-234 (2018)
34. 'Gaming the Tide: the territorialisation of temporarily exposed English sandbanks for social cricket events', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v6 n1 pp1-18 (2018)
33. ‘A Fleeting Aquapelago: A theoretical consideration of the Japanese presence in the Torres Strait 1880s-1940s', South Pacific Studies v37 n2 (2017) (co-authored with Junko Konishi) pp71-86
32. 'Tanka Transitions: Shrimp paste, dolphins and the contemporary aquapelagic assemblage of Tai O', Locale n7 p1-19 (2016)
31. 'Absolute Waterfrontage: Road Networked Artificial Islands and Finger Island Canal Estates on Australia's Gold Coast', Urban Island Studies n2 (2016) (co-authored with Christian Fleury) pp25-49 <>
30. ‘Enduring Perceptions: place naming and the perception of Louisiana’s salt dome islands’ Island Studies Journal v11 n2 (2016) pp 417-430
29. 'The Aquapelago and the Estuarine City: Reflections on Manhattan', Urban Island Studies n1 (2015) pp81-95 <>
28. 'Sounding the Aquapelago: the cultural-environmental context of ni-Vanuatu women's liquid percussion performance', Perfect Beat: The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v15 n2 (2015) pp113-127
27. 'Englamoured: Mermaid iconography as a contemporary heritage asset for Catalina Island', Contemporary Legend series 3 v3 (2014) pp39-62
26. 'At The Edge: Heritage and Tourism Development in Vietnam's Con Dao archipelago', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v3 n2 (2014) - (co-authored with Giang Tran) pp 113-124 <>
25. 'Towards an ecosystem approach to small island fisheries: A preliminary study of a balanced fishery in Kotania Bay (Seram Island, Indonesia), Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v3 n2 (forthcoming 2014) pp 98-105 - (co-authored with Grace Hutubessy, Jacobus Mosse and Paul van Zweiten) <>
‘'Takarajima: A Treasured Island - Exogeneity, Folkloric Identity and Local Branding', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v3 n1 (2014) pp 20-30 - (co-authored with Sueo Kuwahara) pp 20-30 <>
24. 'Social and economic effects of spatial distribution in island communities: Comparing the Isles of Scilly and Isle of Wight, UK', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v3 n1 (2014) pp 9-19 (co-authored with Adam Grydehoj) pp 9-19 <>
23. 'Islands and Micronationality: An Introduction', Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures v6n2 (2014) pp 1-8
22. 'In a Stew: Lamb Island's flirtation with micronationality', Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures v6n2 (2014) pp95-103
21. 'Pronounced Particularity: A Comparison of Governance Structures on Lord Howe Island and Fernando de Noronha’, Island Studies Journal v8 n2 (2013) - (co-authored with Arianne Reis) pp285-298 <>
20. 'Divergent Trajectories: Environment, Heritage and Tourism in Tanegashima, Mageshima and Yakushima' Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v2 n1 (2013) - (co-authored with Sueo Kuwahara) pp29-38 <>
19. 'Invasive Opportunities and Eco-Culinary Activism: The Harvesting, Marketing and Consumption of Tasmanian Sea Urchins', Locale: The Australasia-Pacific Journal of Regional Food Studies n3 (2013) pp71-90 <>
18. 'Island Leverage: Vanessa Quai, Vanuatu and Transnational Career Performance', Popular Music and Society v36 n2 (2013) pp162-174
17. 'Language, Music and Cultural Consolidation on Minami Daito', Perfect Beat - The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v36 n2 (2013) pp162-174
16. 'Planes of Illusion: Music Soundtrack, Rendition and Attribution in Sanctum (2011)', Perfect Beat - The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture (2013) - (co-authored with Jon Fitzgerald and David Brennan) pp111-126*
15. 'Merlionicity: The 21st Century elaboration of a Singaporean symbol', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures n2 (2013) pp113-125*
14. 'The Constitution of Assemblages and the Aquapelagality of Haida Gwaii', Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures v6n2 (2012) pp1-14
13. 'The Dynamics and sustainability of Ambon's smoked tuna trade', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures n1 (2012) pp3-10 - (co-authored with Jacobus Mosse)
12. 'Sotetsu Heritage: Cycads, Sustenance and Cultural Landscapes in the Amami Islands', Locale: The Australasia-Pacific Journal of Regional Food Studies n2 (2012) pp26-46 (co-authored with Sueo Kuwahara) <>
11. 'Aquapelagos and Aquapelagic Assemblages', Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures v6n1 (2012) pp1-11
10. 'Autonomy Initiatives and Quintessential Englishness on the Isle of Wight', Island Studies Journal v6 n2 (2011) pp179-202 - (co-authored with Adam Grydehoj)
9. 'Salmon Aquaculture and Cultural Disruption in Chiloe', Locale: The Australasia-Pacific Journal of Regional Food Studies n1 (2011) pp87-110
8.* ‘Asymmetric Appeal: Cultural Heritage, Sexual Allure and Polychromatic Exoticism on contemporary Hainan Island’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Music v10 n2 January (2010) pp119-140 (co-authored with John Fangjun Li)
7. * ‘Local Interpretation: Music Video, Heritage and Community in Contemporary Vanuatu’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culturev9 n2 January (2009) pp 59-79
6. ‘Les Méduses dans la Marée de l'Histoire: L’Anse aux Meadows, Nan Sdins and Cultural Heritage Agendas’, Island Studies Journal v3 n2 (2008) pp161-172
5. ‘Transcience and Durability: Music Industry Initiatives, Shima Uta and the maintenance of Amami Culture’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v8n4 January (2008) pp44-63 - (co-authored with Sueo Kuwahara)
4. * ‘From The Top: Local Difference and issues of Heritage Identity in the formulation of music policy for Darwin’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v8n4 July (2006) pp50-68
3. * ‘Mokuyo-to no ongaku: The music of the Japanese community in the Torres Strait 1884-1941’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v5 n3 July (2001) pp34-47 – (co-authored with Junko Konishi)
2. * 'A Glad Round of Melody and Song: Frank Hurley and the Music of Erub', Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v5 n3 July (2001) pp66-74
1. * 'Exotica, Ambience and Pacificism: A Dialogue with Mike Cooper', Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v5 n1 January (2000) pp81-88
Chapters in Anthologies:
'11. An Okinawan Romance: Lyrical dialogue, comedy and music in Nabbie's Love', in Evans M and Hayward, P (eds) Sounds Funny: Music and Sound in Comedy Films, London: Equinox (2017) pp123-147
10. 'The Golden Fleece: Music and Cruise Ship Tourism', in Kruger, S and Trandafoiu, R (eds) The Globalization of Musics in Transit, London: Routledge (2013) pp101-114 (co-authored with David Cashman)
9. 'Chiloe: An Offshore Song Culture', in Baldacchino, G (ed) Island Songs, Lanham: Scarecrow Press (2011) pp157-170 (co-authored with Waldo Garrido)
8. ‘A Place in the World: Globalization, Music and Cultural Identity in contemporary Vanuatu’, in White, B (ed) Music and Globalization: Critical Encounters, University of Indiana Press (2011) pp52-74
7. * ‘Outlier Style: The Futuna Sound and Vanuatu Stringband Music’, In Mackinlay, E, Barfleet, B-L and Barney, K (eds) Musical Islands: Exploring Connections Between Music, Place and Research, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2009) pp119-143 - (co-authored with Jon Fitzgerald)
6. 'Inflamed: Synthetic Folk Music and Paganism in the island world of The Wicker Man', in Hayward, P (ed) Terror Tracks: Music, Sound and Horror Cinema (2009) pp101-111 - (co-authored with Jon Fitzgerald)
5. ‘Dancing to a Pacific Beat: Music Video in Papua New Guinea’, in Beebe, R and Middleton, J (eds) Medium Cool: Music Videos from Soundies to Cellphones, Durham: Duke University Press (2007) pp124-137
4. ‘Boundary Riding: ‘Country Music and Norfolk Island’, in Evans, M and Walden, G (eds) At the Crossroads: Australian Country Music Volume 3, Gympie: Australian Institute of Country Music Press (2005): pp143-160
3. ‘Hauntings: Soundtrack representations of Papua New Guinea’ in Coyle, R (ed) Reel Tracks: Australian Feature Film Music and Cultural Identities, Eastleigh (UK): John Libbey and Co (2005) pp48-58
2. ‘Tourism, contact and cultural commodification: a case study of local musical entertainment on the Whitsunday Islands, Queensland, Australia from the 1930s to 1990s’ in Harrison, D (ed) Pacific Islands Tourism, New York, Sydney and Tokyo: Cognizant (2004) pp125-139
1, 'Questions of Origin: George Telek and David Bridie's collaborative recordings', in Niles, D (ed) Kulele v3 (2001) pp85-106 - (co-authored with Denis Crowdy)
8. Islandscapes and Tourism, Wallingford: CABI (2023) (co-edited with Joseph Cheer and Solene Prince)
7. Cruisicology: The Music Culture of Cruise Ships, Lanham: Lexington Books (2020)(co-authored with David Cashman)
6. Música de Chiloé: Folklore, Syncretism and Cultural Development in a Chilean Aquapelago, Lanham: Lexington Books (2019) (co-authored with Waldo Garrido and Dan Bendrups)
5. Scaled for Success: The Internationalisation of the Mermaid , London: John Libbey & Co/University of Indiana Press (2018) (editor and principal author)
4. Making a Splash: Mermaids (and Mermen) in 20th and 21st Century audiovisual media, London: John Libbey & Co/University of Indiana Press (2017)
3. Bounty Chords: Music, Culture and Cultural Heritage on Norfolk and Pitcairn Islands, Eastleigh (UK): John Libbey and Co (2006)
2. * Hearing The Call: Music and Social History on Lord Howe Island, Lord Howe island Arts Council (2002)
1, * Tide Lines: Music, Tourism and Cultural Transition in the Whitsunday Islands, Lismore: Music Archive for The Pacific Press (2001) - [available as a pdf at: (see right hand column)]
Other Publications
* Transitions: Aspects of European Island and Regional Cultures (illustrated exhibition catalogue), Sydney: Macquarie University Gallery (2008) - 57 pages - (co-edited/co-curated with Rhonda Davis)
External Competitive Research Grants
I have been the recipient of a number of external competitive grants, including:
2015-2018 $216,000 Australia Research Council Linkage grant for the three year research project ‘Creative Barkly: Sustaining the Arts and Cultural Sector in Remote Australia (co-awarded Dr Brydie Barleet, Dr Naomi Sunderland and Dr Sandy Sullivan)
2008-2012 $621,000 Australian Research Council Linkage grant for the four year research project ‘Sustainable futures for music cultures: Towards an ecology of musical diversity’ (co-awarded with CI.1 Prof Huib Schippers and five others).
2005-2008 $235,000 – Australian Research Council Discovery grant for the three year research project 'Melanesian music Industries' (co-awarded with Dr Denis Crowdy)
2005 $8,800 – Northern Territory Administration, commissioned six month report into local music heritage and the formulation of relevant tourism and cultural policies
This website contains a bibliography of my research publications on coastal, aquatic, island and riverine topics (with accompanying links), details of current projects that I am involved in and details of major external competitive research grants that I have received.
I am editor of Shima, an Environmental Humanities research journal specialising in island, marine and riverine themes <>, an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia and a strategic advisor for the River Cities Network <>. I have been involved in developing the notion of the aquapelago, a concept that emphasises the integration of (some) island and coastal societies with marine environments, resources, histories and imaginations. Initial articles on this topic and responses by other researchers are available online in an anthology section of the journal Shima and a book on the topic I have completed for Routledge in collaboration with May Joseph (Pratt Institute, Brooklyn) is scheduled for publication in late 2024. I am also presently editing an anthology entitled Blue-Green Rehabilitation: Urban Planning, Leisure and Tourism in River Cities, scheduled for publication by CABI in early 2025. I have ongoing projects with waterways researchers in the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions of northeastern Italy and was a visiting researcher at Udine University in May-June 2024.
I am co-coordinating the 'Islands and Island Studies 2025' conference in Jersey in June 2025, in collaboration with Sean Dettman from the Jersey International Centre for Advanced Studies <>
Please feel free to contact me with any queries on the research detailed here: [email protected]
Last updated: August 11 2024.
Refereed Journal Articles:
80. 'An Avian-Aquapelagic Heritage at “The edge of the world”: Reflections on humans and seabirds on St Kilda and the arrival of HPAIV', Lagoonscapes v4 n1 (2024).
79. 'Resurrecting riverine identity: Civic symbolism, ghostly traces and waterway restoration in 21st century Lodz (Poland)', Anthropocenes v5 n1 pp.1-16 (2024) (co-authored with Tomasz Fiziak and Christian Fleury).
78. 'Donald Trump's aspiration to acquire Greenland: Understanding "issue attention" cycles in news coverage', Small States and Territories v7 n1 pp. 107-122 (2024) (co-authored with Juno Berthelsen).
77. 'The mermaid, the wheat ear and idealised otherness: The transformation of an aquapelagic symbol into a Japanese bakery logo', The Okinawan Journal of Island Studies (2024) (co-authored with Felicity Greenland).
76. 'Beyond quintessential Englishness: Wet Leg's idiosyncratic rendition of the Isle of Wight'. Shima v18 n1 pp. (109-131 (2024) (co-authored with Matt Hill).
75. 'St. Michael’s Mount: From Christian folklore to New Age mythologies', Folk, Knowledge & Place 1 (2024)
74. 'De-islandisation: The peninsularisation of former island sites in Sydney Harbour (1818-2023). Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v12 n2 pp. 17-36 (2023)
73. 'From bayou heritage to blue-green corridors: The development and contemporary urban functions of New Orleans’ Bayou St. John and Lafitte Greenway', Shima v17 n2, pp. 63-92 (2023) (co-authored with Faisal Mallum and Christian Fleury)
72. 'Ballina's Big Prawn: local fishing heritage and place branding', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v12 n1 pp. 68-79 (2023)
71. '"Extraordinarily hazardous": Fog, water, ice and human precarity in the aquapelagic assemblage of the Grand Banks (northwest Atlantic)'. Coolabah n34 pp. 7-24 (2023)
70. 'Zmiinyi Ostrov (Snake Island): wartime media coverage and the Ukrainian-Russian conflict', The Okinawan Journal of Island Studies v4 n1 pp1-17 (2023) (co-authored with Christine Kearney)
69. 'St Ives Island: The persistent mischaracterisation of a Cornish headland', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v11 n2 pp53-63 (2023)
'68. Cyber micro nations and digital sovereignty', Digital Society n2 art. 44 (2023) (co-authored with Harry Hobbs & Robert Motum)
67. 'Harry Styles as a Cecaelia: Sexuality, Representation and Media-lore in “Music for a Sushi Restaurant”, Text Matters v13 pp. 442-461 (2023) (co-authored with Liz Giuffre)
66. 'Firing up the Anthropocene: Conflagration, representation and temporality in modern Australia', Text Matters n12 pp 143-156 (2022)
65. 'Temporality, development and decay in the Whitsundays (Queensland, Australia)'. Narodna Umjetnost: The Croatian Journal of Ethnology and Folklore v59 n2 pp 85-102 (2022)
64. 'Multiple Avalons: place naming practices and a mythical Arthurian island', Island Studies Journal v17 n2 pp 126-142 (2022)
63. 'Tintagel Island as a rhetorical construct, disputed heritage asset and bridged peninsula', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v11 n1 pp 215-225 (2022)
62. 'Apex liminality: comprehending Lord Howe Island's cloud forest and related island eco-systems', Anthropocenes v3 n1 pp 5: 1-13 (2022)
61, 'Vague and unworkable: the fuzziness of the archipelago as a concept and its unsuitability as a model for a 21st century Palestinian nation', Island Studies Journal v17 n1 pp 202-220 (2022) (co-authored with Saba Bebawi and Christian Fleury)
60. 'Small town secession: Representations of micro-statehood in the US TV series Republic of Sarah', Small States and Territories v5 n1 pp215-224 (2022)
59. 'Taking the trouble: An engagement with Jonathan Pugh and David Chandler’s Anthropocene Islands: Entangled Worlds', Okinawan Journal of Island Studies n3 pp213-221 (2022)
58. 'Entangled in the mangroves: negotiating Anthropocene heritage in the terrestrial/marine interzone of an iconic harbour city', Anthropocenes 2: 1-10 (2021)
57. 'Riverine complexity: Islandness, socio-spatial perceptions and modification: a case study of the lower Richmond River (Eastern Australia)', Island Studies Journal v16 n2 pp156-177 (2021) (co-authored with Christian Fleury)
56. 'Mer-hagography: the erasure, return and resonance of Splash's older mermaid', Text Matters n11 pp139-156 (2021)
55. 'Residual islandness and sovereign dreams: The metamorphosis of Madeira’s Ilhéu do Diego into Forte de São José, and the short-lived Principado do Ilhéu da Pontinha', Transformations n35 pp40-51 (2021) (co-authored with Vincent Bicudo di Castro)
54. 'Above and below: the distribution of mermaid, siren and sirene places names across Canada and the creation of mermaid themed aquatic tourism locations', Shima v15 n2 pp221-234 (2021)
53. 'Shipped Ashore: the origins and deployment of mermaid place names in Australia and related visual representations', Shima v15 n2 pp239-256 (2021) (co-authored with Christian Fleury)
52. '“A place of inexhaustible mysteries”: The modern legendry of Skull Island in the King Kong films and related media texts', Coolabah n31 (2021)
51. 'Insular peninsularities: geography, demography and local identity in Sydney's Northern Beaches and Sutherland Shire', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v10 n1 pp77-99 (2021) (co-authored with Belinda Middleweek and Christian Fleury)
50. 'Australia's oddest jurisdiction: the continuous anomaly of Jervis Bay Territory', Small States and Territories Journal v4 n1 pp 157-170 (2021)
49. 'Domini da Mar: Manifestations of the aquapelagic imaginary in Venetian symbolism and folklore', Shima v16 n1 pp18-45 (2021)
'\48. 'Charismatic crustaceans, environmental disruption and problematic tourism – Experiencing and reflecting on the Anthropocene on Christmas Island', Island Studies Journal (forthcoming 2021)
47. 'Changing inland waterbody livelihoods in Issy-Kul, Kyrgyzstan', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v9n1 pp20-36 (2020) (co-authored with Michael Fabyini, Ian Phil Canlas and Samat Kalmuratov)
46. 'Ningen: The generation of media-lore concerning a giant, sub:Antarctic, aquatic humanoid and its relation to Japanese whaling activity', Shima v14n1 pp134-151 (2020) (co-authored with Felicity Greenland)
45. 'Bounded by Heritage and the Tamar: Cornwall as "almost an island"', Island Studies Journal v15 n1 pp 223-236 (2020)
'44. Elaborating the aquapelagic imaginary: Catalina Island, tourism and mermaid iconography', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v8 n2 pp 89-102 (2020)
43. 'Place, Visibility and Perception: The materiality of Es Vedrà and its enfolding within New Age discourse and media-lore', Coolabah n27 pp31-51 (2019) (co-authored with Marcel A. Farinelli)
42. 'Under the Mermaid Flag: Achzivland and the performance of micronationality on ancestral Palestinian land’, Coolabah n27 pp72-89 (2019)
41. 'Oecusse and the Sultanate of Occussi-Ambeno: Pranksterism, misrepresentation and micronationality', Small States and Territories v2n2 pp183-194 (2019)
40. ‘Sanctuary islands in a hostile matrix: the perception, representation, and protection of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Gulf of Mexico’, Island Studies Journal v13 n1 (2019) pp1-14 <>
39. 'Vertical Features in Flux: Elevation, Interiority and the Anthropocene Disruption of South East Louisiana's Five Salt Dome Islands', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v7 n1 pp37-45 (2018) (co-authored with Alahna Moore) <>
38. 'Introduction: Mermaids, Mercultures and The Aquapelagic Imaginary', Shima v12 n2 pp1-11 (2018) <>
37. 'I's the Merb'y: Masculinity, Mermen and Contemporary Newfoundland', Shima v12 n2 (co-authored with Cory Thorne) pp208-230 (2018)
36. 'Merlionicity Part II: Familiarity Breeds Affection,' Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v6 n2pp78-88 (2018) <>
35. 'Salt Marsh Synthesis: local politics, local identity perception and autonomy initiatives on Canvey Island (Essex, UK)', Island Studies Journal v13 n1 pp223-234 (2018)
34. 'Gaming the Tide: the territorialisation of temporarily exposed English sandbanks for social cricket events', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v6 n1 pp1-18 (2018)
33. ‘A Fleeting Aquapelago: A theoretical consideration of the Japanese presence in the Torres Strait 1880s-1940s', South Pacific Studies v37 n2 (2017) (co-authored with Junko Konishi) pp71-86
32. 'Tanka Transitions: Shrimp paste, dolphins and the contemporary aquapelagic assemblage of Tai O', Locale n7 p1-19 (2016)
31. 'Absolute Waterfrontage: Road Networked Artificial Islands and Finger Island Canal Estates on Australia's Gold Coast', Urban Island Studies n2 (2016) (co-authored with Christian Fleury) pp25-49 <>
30. ‘Enduring Perceptions: place naming and the perception of Louisiana’s salt dome islands’ Island Studies Journal v11 n2 (2016) pp 417-430
29. 'The Aquapelago and the Estuarine City: Reflections on Manhattan', Urban Island Studies n1 (2015) pp81-95 <>
28. 'Sounding the Aquapelago: the cultural-environmental context of ni-Vanuatu women's liquid percussion performance', Perfect Beat: The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v15 n2 (2015) pp113-127
27. 'Englamoured: Mermaid iconography as a contemporary heritage asset for Catalina Island', Contemporary Legend series 3 v3 (2014) pp39-62
26. 'At The Edge: Heritage and Tourism Development in Vietnam's Con Dao archipelago', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v3 n2 (2014) - (co-authored with Giang Tran) pp 113-124 <>
25. 'Towards an ecosystem approach to small island fisheries: A preliminary study of a balanced fishery in Kotania Bay (Seram Island, Indonesia), Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v3 n2 (forthcoming 2014) pp 98-105 - (co-authored with Grace Hutubessy, Jacobus Mosse and Paul van Zweiten) <>
‘'Takarajima: A Treasured Island - Exogeneity, Folkloric Identity and Local Branding', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v3 n1 (2014) pp 20-30 - (co-authored with Sueo Kuwahara) pp 20-30 <>
24. 'Social and economic effects of spatial distribution in island communities: Comparing the Isles of Scilly and Isle of Wight, UK', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v3 n1 (2014) pp 9-19 (co-authored with Adam Grydehoj) pp 9-19 <>
23. 'Islands and Micronationality: An Introduction', Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures v6n2 (2014) pp 1-8
22. 'In a Stew: Lamb Island's flirtation with micronationality', Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures v6n2 (2014) pp95-103
21. 'Pronounced Particularity: A Comparison of Governance Structures on Lord Howe Island and Fernando de Noronha’, Island Studies Journal v8 n2 (2013) - (co-authored with Arianne Reis) pp285-298 <>
20. 'Divergent Trajectories: Environment, Heritage and Tourism in Tanegashima, Mageshima and Yakushima' Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v2 n1 (2013) - (co-authored with Sueo Kuwahara) pp29-38 <>
19. 'Invasive Opportunities and Eco-Culinary Activism: The Harvesting, Marketing and Consumption of Tasmanian Sea Urchins', Locale: The Australasia-Pacific Journal of Regional Food Studies n3 (2013) pp71-90 <>
18. 'Island Leverage: Vanessa Quai, Vanuatu and Transnational Career Performance', Popular Music and Society v36 n2 (2013) pp162-174
17. 'Language, Music and Cultural Consolidation on Minami Daito', Perfect Beat - The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v36 n2 (2013) pp162-174
16. 'Planes of Illusion: Music Soundtrack, Rendition and Attribution in Sanctum (2011)', Perfect Beat - The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture (2013) - (co-authored with Jon Fitzgerald and David Brennan) pp111-126*
15. 'Merlionicity: The 21st Century elaboration of a Singaporean symbol', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures n2 (2013) pp113-125*
14. 'The Constitution of Assemblages and the Aquapelagality of Haida Gwaii', Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures v6n2 (2012) pp1-14
13. 'The Dynamics and sustainability of Ambon's smoked tuna trade', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures n1 (2012) pp3-10 - (co-authored with Jacobus Mosse)
12. 'Sotetsu Heritage: Cycads, Sustenance and Cultural Landscapes in the Amami Islands', Locale: The Australasia-Pacific Journal of Regional Food Studies n2 (2012) pp26-46 (co-authored with Sueo Kuwahara) <>
11. 'Aquapelagos and Aquapelagic Assemblages', Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures v6n1 (2012) pp1-11
10. 'Autonomy Initiatives and Quintessential Englishness on the Isle of Wight', Island Studies Journal v6 n2 (2011) pp179-202 - (co-authored with Adam Grydehoj)
9. 'Salmon Aquaculture and Cultural Disruption in Chiloe', Locale: The Australasia-Pacific Journal of Regional Food Studies n1 (2011) pp87-110
8.* ‘Asymmetric Appeal: Cultural Heritage, Sexual Allure and Polychromatic Exoticism on contemporary Hainan Island’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Music v10 n2 January (2010) pp119-140 (co-authored with John Fangjun Li)
7. * ‘Local Interpretation: Music Video, Heritage and Community in Contemporary Vanuatu’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culturev9 n2 January (2009) pp 59-79
6. ‘Les Méduses dans la Marée de l'Histoire: L’Anse aux Meadows, Nan Sdins and Cultural Heritage Agendas’, Island Studies Journal v3 n2 (2008) pp161-172
5. ‘Transcience and Durability: Music Industry Initiatives, Shima Uta and the maintenance of Amami Culture’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v8n4 January (2008) pp44-63 - (co-authored with Sueo Kuwahara)
4. * ‘From The Top: Local Difference and issues of Heritage Identity in the formulation of music policy for Darwin’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v8n4 July (2006) pp50-68
3. * ‘Mokuyo-to no ongaku: The music of the Japanese community in the Torres Strait 1884-1941’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v5 n3 July (2001) pp34-47 – (co-authored with Junko Konishi)
2. * 'A Glad Round of Melody and Song: Frank Hurley and the Music of Erub', Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v5 n3 July (2001) pp66-74
1. * 'Exotica, Ambience and Pacificism: A Dialogue with Mike Cooper', Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v5 n1 January (2000) pp81-88
Chapters in Anthologies:
'11. An Okinawan Romance: Lyrical dialogue, comedy and music in Nabbie's Love', in Evans M and Hayward, P (eds) Sounds Funny: Music and Sound in Comedy Films, London: Equinox (2017) pp123-147
10. 'The Golden Fleece: Music and Cruise Ship Tourism', in Kruger, S and Trandafoiu, R (eds) The Globalization of Musics in Transit, London: Routledge (2013) pp101-114 (co-authored with David Cashman)
9. 'Chiloe: An Offshore Song Culture', in Baldacchino, G (ed) Island Songs, Lanham: Scarecrow Press (2011) pp157-170 (co-authored with Waldo Garrido)
8. ‘A Place in the World: Globalization, Music and Cultural Identity in contemporary Vanuatu’, in White, B (ed) Music and Globalization: Critical Encounters, University of Indiana Press (2011) pp52-74
7. * ‘Outlier Style: The Futuna Sound and Vanuatu Stringband Music’, In Mackinlay, E, Barfleet, B-L and Barney, K (eds) Musical Islands: Exploring Connections Between Music, Place and Research, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2009) pp119-143 - (co-authored with Jon Fitzgerald)
6. 'Inflamed: Synthetic Folk Music and Paganism in the island world of The Wicker Man', in Hayward, P (ed) Terror Tracks: Music, Sound and Horror Cinema (2009) pp101-111 - (co-authored with Jon Fitzgerald)
5. ‘Dancing to a Pacific Beat: Music Video in Papua New Guinea’, in Beebe, R and Middleton, J (eds) Medium Cool: Music Videos from Soundies to Cellphones, Durham: Duke University Press (2007) pp124-137
4. ‘Boundary Riding: ‘Country Music and Norfolk Island’, in Evans, M and Walden, G (eds) At the Crossroads: Australian Country Music Volume 3, Gympie: Australian Institute of Country Music Press (2005): pp143-160
3. ‘Hauntings: Soundtrack representations of Papua New Guinea’ in Coyle, R (ed) Reel Tracks: Australian Feature Film Music and Cultural Identities, Eastleigh (UK): John Libbey and Co (2005) pp48-58
2. ‘Tourism, contact and cultural commodification: a case study of local musical entertainment on the Whitsunday Islands, Queensland, Australia from the 1930s to 1990s’ in Harrison, D (ed) Pacific Islands Tourism, New York, Sydney and Tokyo: Cognizant (2004) pp125-139
1, 'Questions of Origin: George Telek and David Bridie's collaborative recordings', in Niles, D (ed) Kulele v3 (2001) pp85-106 - (co-authored with Denis Crowdy)
8. Islandscapes and Tourism, Wallingford: CABI (2023) (co-edited with Joseph Cheer and Solene Prince)
7. Cruisicology: The Music Culture of Cruise Ships, Lanham: Lexington Books (2020)(co-authored with David Cashman)
6. Música de Chiloé: Folklore, Syncretism and Cultural Development in a Chilean Aquapelago, Lanham: Lexington Books (2019) (co-authored with Waldo Garrido and Dan Bendrups)
5. Scaled for Success: The Internationalisation of the Mermaid , London: John Libbey & Co/University of Indiana Press (2018) (editor and principal author)
4. Making a Splash: Mermaids (and Mermen) in 20th and 21st Century audiovisual media, London: John Libbey & Co/University of Indiana Press (2017)
3. Bounty Chords: Music, Culture and Cultural Heritage on Norfolk and Pitcairn Islands, Eastleigh (UK): John Libbey and Co (2006)
2. * Hearing The Call: Music and Social History on Lord Howe Island, Lord Howe island Arts Council (2002)
1, * Tide Lines: Music, Tourism and Cultural Transition in the Whitsunday Islands, Lismore: Music Archive for The Pacific Press (2001) - [available as a pdf at: (see right hand column)]
Other Publications
* Transitions: Aspects of European Island and Regional Cultures (illustrated exhibition catalogue), Sydney: Macquarie University Gallery (2008) - 57 pages - (co-edited/co-curated with Rhonda Davis)
External Competitive Research Grants
I have been the recipient of a number of external competitive grants, including:
2015-2018 $216,000 Australia Research Council Linkage grant for the three year research project ‘Creative Barkly: Sustaining the Arts and Cultural Sector in Remote Australia (co-awarded Dr Brydie Barleet, Dr Naomi Sunderland and Dr Sandy Sullivan)
2008-2012 $621,000 Australian Research Council Linkage grant for the four year research project ‘Sustainable futures for music cultures: Towards an ecology of musical diversity’ (co-awarded with CI.1 Prof Huib Schippers and five others).
2005-2008 $235,000 – Australian Research Council Discovery grant for the three year research project 'Melanesian music Industries' (co-awarded with Dr Denis Crowdy)
2005 $8,800 – Northern Territory Administration, commissioned six month report into local music heritage and the formulation of relevant tourism and cultural policies
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