Philip Hayward: Environmental Humanities Research

This website contains a bibliography of my research publications on coastal, aquatic, island and riverine topics (with accompanying links), details of current projects that I am involved in and details of major external competitive research grants that I have received.
I am editor of Shima, an Environmental Humanities research journal specialising in island, marine and riverine themes <>, an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia and a strategic advisor for the River Cities Network <>. I have been involved in developing the notion of the aquapelago, a concept that emphasises the integration of (some) island and coastal societies with marine environments, resources, histories and imaginations. I have recently completed a book on this topic - entitled Aquapelagos: Integrated Terrestrial and Marine Assemblages - for Routledge in collaboration with May Joseph (Pratt Institute, Brooklyn) published in early 2025.. I have also recently edited an anthology entitled Blue-Green Rehabilitation: Urban Planning, Leisure and Tourism in River Cities, also scheduled for publication by CABI in early 2025. I have ongoing projects with waterways researchers in the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions of northeastern Italy and I was a visiting researcher at Udine University in May-June 2024. I live at Maclean, on the Clarence River, in northern New South Wales, Australia, and I am involved in various research projects on the land- and water-scapes of the region.
I am co-coordinating the 'Islands and Island Studies 2025' conference in Jersey in June 2025, in collaboration with Sean Dettman from the Jersey International Centre for Advanced Studies <>
Please feel free to contact me with any queries on the research detailed here: [email protected]
Last updated: January 1st 2025.
Refereed Journal Articles:
82. 'Interior aquapelagos: A proposal for comprehending and conceptualising nature, society and culture in interior waterscapes and a consideration of Udine and the broader Friuli-Venezia Giulia region as a test case', Shima v19 n1 (forthcoming 2025) (co-authored with Franscesco Visentin).
81. 'Rainbows amidst the rivers: Nested microregionality in north-eastern New South Wales', Swamphen (forthcoming 2025) (co-authored with Christian Fleury).
80. 'An Avian-Aquapelagic Heritage at “The edge of the world”: Reflections on humans and seabirds on St Kilda and the arrival of HPAIV', Lagoonscapes v4 n1 (2024).
79. 'Resurrecting riverine identity: Civic symbolism, ghostly traces and waterway restoration in 21st century Lodz (Poland)', Anthropocenes v5 n1 pp.1-16 (2024) (co-authored with Tomasz Fiziak and Christian Fleury).
78. 'Donald Trump's aspiration to acquire Greenland: Understanding "issue attention" cycles in news coverage', Small States and Territories v7 n1 pp. 107-122 (2024) (co-authored with Juno Berthelsen).
77. 'The mermaid, the wheat ear and idealised otherness: The transformation of an aquapelagic symbol into a Japanese bakery logo', The Okinawan Journal of Island Studies (2024) (co-authored with Felicity Greenland).
76. 'Beyond quintessential Englishness: Wet Leg's idiosyncratic rendition of the Isle of Wight'. Shima v18 n1 pp. (109-131 (2024) (co-authored with Matt Hill).
75. 'St. Michael’s Mount: From Christian folklore to New Age mythologies', Folk, Knowledge & Place 1 (2024)
74. 'De-islandisation: The peninsularisation of former island sites in Sydney Harbour (1818-2023). Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v12 n2 pp. 17-36 (2023)
73. 'From bayou heritage to blue-green corridors: The development and contemporary urban functions of New Orleans’ Bayou St. John and Lafitte Greenway', Shima v17 n2, pp. 63-92 (2023) (co-authored with Faisal Mallum and Christian Fleury)
72. 'Ballina's Big Prawn: local fishing heritage and place branding', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v12 n1 pp. 68-79 (2023)
71. '"Extraordinarily hazardous": Fog, water, ice and human precarity in the aquapelagic assemblage of the Grand Banks (northwest Atlantic)'. Coolabah n34 pp. 7-24 (2023)
70. 'Zmiinyi Ostrov (Snake Island): wartime media coverage and the Ukrainian-Russian conflict', The Okinawan Journal of Island Studies v4 n1 pp1-17 (2023) (co-authored with Christine Kearney)
69. 'St Ives Island: The persistent mischaracterisation of a Cornish headland', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v11 n2 pp53-63 (2023)
68. 'Cyber micro nations and digital sovereignty', Digital Society n2 art. 44 (2023) (co-authored with Harry Hobbs & Robert Motum)
67. 'Harry Styles as a Cecaelia: Sexuality, Representation and Media-lore in “Music for a Sushi Restaurant”, Text Matters v13 pp. 442-461 (2023) (co-authored with Liz Giuffre)
66. 'Firing up the Anthropocene: Conflagration, representation and temporality in modern Australia', Text Matters n12 pp 143-156 (2022)
65. 'Temporality, development and decay in the Whitsundays (Queensland, Australia)'. Narodna Umjetnost: The Croatian Journal of Ethnology and Folklore v59 n2 pp 85-102 (2022)
64. 'Multiple Avalons: place naming practices and a mythical Arthurian island', Island Studies Journal v17 n2 pp 126-142 (2022)
63. 'Tintagel Island as a rhetorical construct, disputed heritage asset and bridged peninsula', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v11 n1 pp 215-225 (2022)
62. 'Apex liminality: comprehending Lord Howe Island's cloud forest and related island eco-systems', Anthropocenes v3 n1 pp 5: 1-13 (2022)
61. 'Vague and unworkable: the fuzziness of the archipelago as a concept and its unsuitability as a model for a 21st century Palestinian nation', Island Studies Journal v17 n1 pp 202-220 (2022) (co-authored with Saba Bebawi and Christian Fleury)
60. 'Small town secession: Representations of micro-statehood in the US TV series Republic of Sarah', Small States and Territories v5 n1 pp215-224 (2022)
59. 'Taking the trouble: An engagement with Jonathan Pugh and David Chandler’s Anthropocene Islands: Entangled Worlds', Okinawan Journal of Island Studies n3 pp213-221 (2022)
58. 'Entangled in the mangroves: negotiating Anthropocene heritage in the terrestrial/marine interzone of an iconic harbour city', Anthropocenes 2: 1-10 (2021)
57. 'Riverine complexity: Islandness, socio-spatial perceptions and modification: a case study of the lower Richmond River (Eastern Australia)', Island Studies Journal v16 n2 pp156-177 (2021) (co-authored with Christian Fleury)
56. 'Mer-hagography: the erasure, return and resonance of Splash's older mermaid', Text Matters n11 pp139-156 (2021)
55. 'Residual islandness and sovereign dreams: The metamorphosis of Madeira’s Ilhéu do Diego into Forte de São José, and the short-lived Principado do Ilhéu da Pontinha', Transformations n35 pp40-51 (2021) (co-authored with Vincent Bicudo di Castro)
54. 'Above and below: the distribution of mermaid, siren and sirene places names across Canada and the creation of mermaid themed aquatic tourism locations', Shima v15 n2 pp221-234 (2021)
53. 'Shipped Ashore: the origins and deployment of mermaid place names in Australia and related visual representations', Shima v15 n2 pp239-256 (2021) (co-authored with Christian Fleury)
52. '“A place of inexhaustible mysteries”: The modern legendry of Skull Island in the King Kong films and related media texts', Coolabah n31 (2021)
51. 'Insular peninsularities: geography, demography and local identity in Sydney's Northern Beaches and Sutherland Shire', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v10 n1 pp77-99 (2021) (co-authored with Belinda Middleweek and Christian Fleury)
50. 'Australia's oddest jurisdiction: the continuous anomaly of Jervis Bay Territory', Small States and Territories Journal v4 n1 pp 157-170 (2021)
49. 'Domini da Mar: Manifestations of the aquapelagic imaginary in Venetian symbolism and folklore', Shima v16 n1 pp18-45 (2021)
48. 'Embodying the Anthropocene: Embattled crustaceans, extractivism, and eco-tourism on Christmas Island', Island Studies Journal v16 n1 pp. 229-248 (2022).
47. 'Changing inland waterbody livelihoods in Issy-Kul, Kyrgyzstan', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v9n1 pp20-36 (2020) (co-authored with Michael Fabyini, Ian Phil Canlas and Samat Kalmuratov)
46. 'Ningen: The generation of media-lore concerning a giant, sub:Antarctic, aquatic humanoid and its relation to Japanese whaling activity', Shima v14n1 pp134-151 (2020) (co-authored with Felicity Greenland)
45. 'Bounded by Heritage and the Tamar: Cornwall as "almost an island"', Island Studies Journal v15 n1 pp 223-236 (2020)
44. 'Elaborating the aquapelagic imaginary: Catalina Island, tourism and mermaid iconography', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v8 n2 pp 89-102 (2020)
43. 'Place, Visibility and Perception: The materiality of Es Vedrà and its enfolding within New Age discourse and media-lore', Coolabah n27 pp31-51 (2019) (co-authored with Marcel A. Farinelli)
42. 'Under the Mermaid Flag: Achzivland and the performance of micronationality on ancestral Palestinian land’, Coolabah n27 pp72-89 (2019)
41. 'Oecusse and the Sultanate of Occussi-Ambeno: Pranksterism, misrepresentation and micronationality', Small States and Territories v2n2 pp183-194 (2019)
40. ‘Sanctuary islands in a hostile matrix: the perception, representation, and protection of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Gulf of Mexico’, Island Studies Journal v13 n1 (2019) pp1-14 <>
39. 'Vertical Features in Flux: Elevation, Interiority and the Anthropocene Disruption of South East Louisiana's Five Salt Dome Islands', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v7 n1 pp37-45 (2018) (co-authored with Alahna Moore)<>
38. 'Introduction: Mermaids, Mercultures and The Aquapelagic Imaginary', Shima v12 n2 pp1-11 (2018) <>
37. 'I's the Merb'y: Masculinity, Mermen and Contemporary Newfoundland', Shima v12 n2 (co-authored with Cory Thorne) pp208-230 (2018)
36. 'Merlionicity Part II: Familiarity Breeds Affection,' Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v6 n2pp78-88 (2018) <>
35. 'Salt Marsh Synthesis: local politics, local identity perception and autonomy initiatives on Canvey Island (Essex, UK)', Island Studies Journal v13 n1 pp223-234 (2018)
34. 'Gaming the Tide: the territorialisation of temporarily exposed English sandbanks for social cricket events', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v6 n1 pp1-18 (2018)
33. ‘A Fleeting Aquapelago: A theoretical consideration of the Japanese presence in the Torres Strait 1880s-1940s', South Pacific Studies v37 n2 (2017) (co-authored with Junko Konishi) pp71-86
32. 'Tanka Transitions: Shrimp paste, dolphins and the contemporary aquapelagic assemblage of Tai O', Locale n7 p1-19 (2016)
31. 'Absolute Waterfrontage: Road Networked Artificial Islands and Finger Island Canal Estates on Australia's Gold Coast', Urban Island Studies n2 (2016) (co-authored with Christian Fleury) pp25-49 <>
30. ‘Enduring Perceptions: place naming and the perception of Louisiana’s salt dome islands’ Island Studies Journal v11 n2 (2016) pp 417-430
29. 'The Aquapelago and the Estuarine City: Reflections on Manhattan', Urban Island Studies n1 (2015) pp81-95 <>
28. 'Sounding the Aquapelago: the cultural-environmental context of ni-Vanuatu women's liquid percussion performance', Perfect Beat: The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v15 n2 (2015) pp113-127
27. 'Englamoured: Mermaid iconography as a contemporary heritage asset for Catalina Island', Contemporary Legend series 3 v3 (2014) pp39-62
26. 'At The Edge: Heritage and Tourism Development in Vietnam's Con Dao archipelago', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v3 n2 (2014) - (co-authored with Giang Tran) pp 113-124 <>
25. 'Towards an ecosystem approach to small island fisheries: A preliminary study of a balanced fishery in Kotania Bay (Seram Island, Indonesia), Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v3 n2 (forthcoming 2014) pp 98-105 - (co-authored with Grace Hutubessy, Jacobus Mosse and Paul van Zweiten) <>
‘'Takarajima: A Treasured Island - Exogeneity, Folkloric Identity and Local Branding', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v3 n1 (2014) pp 20-30 - (co-authored with Sueo Kuwahara) pp 20-30 <>
24. 'Social and economic effects of spatial distribution in island communities: Comparing the Isles of Scilly and Isle of Wight, UK', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v3 n1 (2014) pp 9-19 (co-authored with Adam Grydehoj) pp 9-19 <>
23. 'Islands and Micronationality: An Introduction', Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures v6n2 (2014) pp 1-8
22. 'In a Stew: Lamb Island's flirtation with micronationality', Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures v6n2 (2014) pp95-103
21. 'Pronounced Particularity: A Comparison of Governance Structures on Lord Howe Island and Fernando de Noronha’, Island Studies Journal v8 n2 (2013) - (co-authored with Arianne Reis) pp285-298 <>
20. 'Divergent Trajectories: Environment, Heritage and Tourism in Tanegashima, Mageshima and Yakushima' Journal of Marine and Island Cultures v2 n1 (2013) - (co-authored with Sueo Kuwahara) pp29-38 <>
19. 'Invasive Opportunities and Eco-Culinary Activism: The Harvesting, Marketing and Consumption of Tasmanian Sea Urchins', Locale: The Australasia-Pacific Journal of Regional Food Studies n3 (2013) pp71-90 <>
18. 'Island Leverage: Vanessa Quai, Vanuatu and Transnational Career Performance', Popular Music and Society v36 n2 (2013) pp162-174
17. 'Language, Music and Cultural Consolidation on Minami Daito', Perfect Beat - The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v36 n2 (2013) pp162-174
16. 'Planes of Illusion: Music Soundtrack, Rendition and Attribution in Sanctum (2011)', Perfect Beat - The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture (2013) - (co-authored with Jon Fitzgerald and David Brennan) pp111-126*
15. 'Merlionicity: The 21st Century elaboration of a Singaporean symbol', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures n2 (2013) pp113-125*
14. 'The Constitution of Assemblages and the Aquapelagality of Haida Gwaii', Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures v6n2 (2012) pp1-14
13. 'The Dynamics and sustainability of Ambon's smoked tuna trade', Journal of Marine and Island Cultures n1 (2012) pp3-10 - (co-authored with Jacobus Mosse)
12. 'Sotetsu Heritage: Cycads, Sustenance and Cultural Landscapes in the Amami Islands', Locale: The Australasia-Pacific Journal of Regional Food Studies n2 (2012) pp26-46 (co-authored with Sueo Kuwahara) <>
11. 'Aquapelagos and Aquapelagic Assemblages', Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures v6n1 (2012) pp1-11
10. 'Autonomy Initiatives and Quintessential Englishness on the Isle of Wight', Island Studies Journal v6 n2 (2011) pp179-202 - (co-authored with Adam Grydehoj)
9. 'Salmon Aquaculture and Cultural Disruption in Chiloe', Locale: The Australasia-Pacific Journal of Regional Food Studies n1 (2011) pp87-110
8.* ‘Asymmetric Appeal: Cultural Heritage, Sexual Allure and Polychromatic Exoticism on contemporary Hainan Island’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Music v10 n2 January (2010) pp119-140 (co-authored with John Fangjun Li)
7. * ‘Local Interpretation: Music Video, Heritage and Community in Contemporary Vanuatu’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culturev9 n2 January (2009) pp 59-79
6. ‘Les Méduses dans la Marée de l'Histoire: L’Anse aux Meadows, Nan Sdins and Cultural Heritage Agendas’, Island Studies Journal v3 n2 (2008) pp161-172
5. ‘Transcience and Durability: Music Industry Initiatives, Shima Uta and the maintenance of Amami Culture’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v8n4 January (2008) pp44-63 - (co-authored with Sueo Kuwahara)
4. * ‘From The Top: Local Difference and issues of Heritage Identity in the formulation of music policy for Darwin’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v8n4 July (2006) pp50-68
3. * ‘Mokuyo-to no ongaku: The music of the Japanese community in the Torres Strait 1884-1941’, Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v5 n3 July (2001) pp34-47 – (co-authored with Junko Konishi)
2. * 'A Glad Round of Melody and Song: Frank Hurley and the Music of Erub', Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v5 n3 July (2001) pp66-74
1. * 'Exotica, Ambience and Pacificism: A Dialogue with Mike Cooper', Perfect Beat – The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture v5 n1 January (2000) pp81-88
Chapters in Anthologies:
'11. An Okinawan Romance: Lyrical dialogue, comedy and music in Nabbie's Love', in Evans M and Hayward, P (eds) Sounds Funny: Music and Sound in Comedy Films, London: Equinox (2017) pp123-147
10. 'The Golden Fleece: Music and Cruise Ship Tourism', in Kruger, S and Trandafoiu, R (eds) The Globalization of Musics in Transit, London: Routledge (2013) pp101-114 (co-authored with David Cashman)
9. 'Chiloe: An Offshore Song Culture', in Baldacchino, G (ed) Island Songs, Lanham: Scarecrow Press (2011) pp157-170 (co-authored with Waldo Garrido)
8. ‘A Place in the World: Globalization, Music and Cultural Identity in contemporary Vanuatu’, in White, B (ed) Music and Globalization: Critical Encounters, University of Indiana Press (2011) pp52-74
7. * ‘Outlier Style: The Futuna Sound and Vanuatu Stringband Music’, In Mackinlay, E, Barfleet, B-L and Barney, K (eds) Musical Islands: Exploring Connections Between Music, Place and Research, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2009) pp119-143 - (co-authored with Jon Fitzgerald)
6. 'Inflamed: Synthetic Folk Music and Paganism in the island world of The Wicker Man', in Hayward, P (ed) Terror Tracks: Music, Sound and Horror Cinema (2009) pp101-111 - (co-authored with Jon Fitzgerald)
5. ‘Dancing to a Pacific Beat: Music Video in Papua New Guinea’, in Beebe, R and Middleton, J (eds) Medium Cool: Music Videos from Soundies to Cellphones, Durham: Duke University Press (2007) pp124-137
4. ‘Boundary Riding: ‘Country Music and Norfolk Island’, in Evans, M and Walden, G (eds) At the Crossroads: Australian Country Music Volume 3, Gympie: Australian Institute of Country Music Press (2005): pp143-160
3. ‘Hauntings: Soundtrack representations of Papua New Guinea’ in Coyle, R (ed) Reel Tracks: Australian Feature Film Music and Cultural Identities, Eastleigh (UK): John Libbey and Co (2005) pp48-58
2. ‘Tourism, contact and cultural commodification: a case study of local musical entertainment on the Whitsunday Islands, Queensland, Australia from the 1930s to 1990s’ in Harrison, D (ed) Pacific Islands Tourism, New York, Sydney and Tokyo: Cognizant (2004) pp125-139
1, 'Questions of Origin: George Telek and David Bridie's collaborative recordings', in Niles, D (ed) Kulele v3 (2001) pp85-106 - (co-authored with Denis Crowdy)
10. Blue-Green Rehabilitation: Urban planning, leisure and tourism in river cities. CABI Press (2025).
9. Aquapelagos: Integrated terrestrial and marine assemblages, Routledge (2025) (co-edited with May Joseph)
8. Islandscapes and Tourism, CABI Press (2023) (co-edited with Joseph Cheer and Solene Prince)
7. Cruisicology: The Music Culture of Cruise Ships, Lexington Books (2020)(co-authored with David Cashman)
6. Música de Chiloé: Folklore, Syncretism and Cultural Development in a Chilean Aquapelago, Lexington Books (2019) (co-authored with Waldo Garrido and Dan Bendrups)
5. Scaled for Success: The Internationalisation of the Mermaid , London: John Libbey & Co/University of Indiana Press (2018) (editor and principal author)
4. Making a Splash: Mermaids (and Mermen) in 20th and 21st Century audiovisual media, London: John Libbey & Co/University of Indiana Press (2017)
3. Bounty Chords: Music, Culture and Cultural Heritage on Norfolk and Pitcairn Islands, John Libbey and Co (2006)
2. * Hearing The Call: Music and Social History on Lord Howe Island, Lord Howe island Arts Council (2002)
1, * Tide Lines: Music, Tourism and Cultural Transition in the Whitsunday Islands, Lismore: Music Archive for The Pacific Press (2001) - [available as a pdf at: (see right hand column)]
Other Publications
* Transitions: Aspects of European Island and Regional Cultures (illustrated exhibition catalogue), Sydney: Macquarie University Gallery (2008) - 57 pages - (co-edited/co-curated with Rhonda Davis)
External Competitive Research Grants
I have been the recipient of a number of external competitive grants, including:
2015-2018 $216,000 Australia Research Council Linkage grant for the three year research project ‘Creative Barkly: Sustaining the Arts and Cultural Sector in Remote Australia (co-awarded Dr Brydie Barleet, Dr Naomi Sunderland and Dr Sandy Sullivan)
2008-2012 $621,000 Australian Research Council Linkage grant for the four year research project ‘Sustainable futures for music cultures: Towards an ecology of musical diversity’ (co-awarded with CI.1 Prof Huib Schippers and five others).
2005-2008 $235,000 – Australian Research Council Discovery grant for the three year research project 'Melanesian music Industries' (co-awarded with Dr Denis Crowdy)
2005 $8,800 – Northern Territory Administration, commissioned six month report into local music heritage and the formulation of relevant tourism and cultural policies

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