Research Notes
In addition to my refereed published work, detailed on the previous page, my research on various topics has also produced some small, stand-alone case-studies that are featured on this page. They have not been double-blind peer refereed (as per standard journal practice) but they have been read by colleagues and modified after receiving critical feedback.
The Research Notes are posted here are open access, feel free to download and circulate any of them and/or quote from them. The document titles and suggested citations are included as headers and footers on the pdfs. Comments and suggested corrections/amendments are welcome. I would also be happy to know of any related small topics that might merit investigation and analysis.
Philip Hayward - [email protected]
The Research Notes are posted here are open access, feel free to download and circulate any of them and/or quote from them. The document titles and suggested citations are included as headers and footers on the pdfs. Comments and suggested corrections/amendments are welcome. I would also be happy to know of any related small topics that might merit investigation and analysis.
Philip Hayward - [email protected]
PHICA Research Note #1 - Manly’s Fairy Bower and the origins of its name (2021)